Yukon Government Participant Information

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Yukon Government Participant Information

Statistical Information

Education Information

Enter “Unknown” if you are unsure.
Approximate date of education start?
Approximate date of education finish?

Collection, use and disclosure of personal information

The personal information you provide is collected for the purpose of administering post-secondary and labour market programs and services. It will be shared with the following organizations:

  • Employment and Social Development Canada under the authority of the Employment Insurance Act and/orthe Department of Employment and Social Development Act;
  • In cases where you are making an application for funding support: Canada Revenue Agency under theauthority of the Income Tax Act;
  • Government of Yukon, Department of Justice under the authority of the Maintenance Enforcement Act.

Your information will also be shared with the following:

  • Your case manager(s) who have helped you with your action plan, your Working UP application, andongoing support persons.
  • Any third party that you have specifically accepted a referral to by your case manager or Department of Education staff as part of your Action Plan.

The information you provide may also be used for policy analysis, statistical, research and/or program evaluation purposes by the Government of Yukon and the Government of Canada.

This information is collected and managed in accordance with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.Y., 2002, c.1 (the “Act”). Records and information pertaining to this application may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the Act.

Other than as stated above, your information will not be shared with any individual or organization without your specific, written consent.

Questions? Please contact:

The Director: Post Secondary & Labour Market Unit
Policy and Partnerships Branch, Department of Education
Box 2703, Whitehorse YT Y1A 2C6
Phone 867-667-5727 or 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5906.

Downloadable Form