Skookum Jim Friendship Centre’s Prenatal Program’s main focus is on nutrition, infant development, and parent well-being. We provide programming that supports and encourages all aspects of personal growth and development among participants. A balance of physical, spiritual, mental, and social centered programming is incorporated through learning and skill building activities. This fulfills the participants needs while promoting healthy living and positive development on both personal and group level.
Physical support is provided through the distribution of monthly grocery vouchers, vitamin supplements, baby necessities and also through physical activities such as walking groups and Mom and Tots swimming lessons. A health nurse comes in monthly to weigh and measure the babies and answer any questions that the mothers may have. Guest Speakers present on information about resources or services in the community that the women may find useful or helpful. We also maintain a seasonal plot at the community garden that encourages community involvement, physical activity and addresses food security issues.
Spiritual and cultural development is encouraged by offering traditional workshops such as; beading and sewing and medicine making facilitated by local elders and knowledge keepers. The most popular workshops include: holistic salves and medicines made by local plants, baby essentials and regalia made of traditional materials, canning, and preservation of locally harvested foods.
The mental aspect is nurtured by weekly gatherings where an information session and a warm and nutritious lunch are provided. The staff maintains a confidential, open door policy. Peer mentoring is encouraged and practiced. The support team consists of empathetic and understanding individuals who were all previous participants in the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program. A library, with resources on all kinds of pre and post natal issues is available to all participants and their supports. Periodic evaluations and planning sessions help the participants to voice their opinions on directions they want the programming to take.
Socialization is encouraged by the weekly gathering of mothers. Some of these mothers nurture these relationships beyond the doors of the program and create support networks of their own. Community kitchen projects also encourage women to work together towards a common goal. Joint ventures with other local and territorial CPNP programs include, but are not limited to, Nutrition Month Activities, Berry harvesting, jamming and canning and the yearly Breastfeeding Challenge. These collaborated programs offer participants an opportunity to mingle and meet mothers and make new lasting friendships.
We will continue to focus on maternal and newborn health in a holistic manner. Involving families, the community and collaborating within the Friendship Center with sister programs. We will support mothers throughout their pregnancies increasing their chance towards healthy birth outcomes. Nutrition support will be ongoing, following the Canada Food Guide recommendations. We provide purchase orders and vitamin supplements and promote breastfeeding as the prime option for infant feeding. We are proud to offer interesting, educational and enjoyable programming.
Sharing Teachings
- Understanding the importance and benefits of breastfeeding
- The gestational development of your baby.
- Traditional Parenting tools, techniques, beliefs and ceremonies
- Looking at your lifestyle habits and understanding how they affect your developing baby
- Making healthy food choices within your budget
- Basic meal planning, the purchase and preparation of nutritious food.
- Attachment theory and understanding
- Promoting Positive healthy lifestyles for you and baby
Contact Information:
Coordinator: Ronda Vezina
Email: prenatal@skookumjim.com
Phone: 867-633-7680 ext 1006
Program Registration