Health and Safety Agreement

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Health & Safety Agreement

SJFC Prenatal Program aims to create a safe and healthy space for all our participants. We understand that infants are more likely to get sick as their immune systems are developing, which makes them more vulnerable and at risk for catching illness and diseases than adults. Pregnant women also have reduced immunity and are more susceptible to illness.

In agreeing to participate in our CPNP, Prenatal program, you are agreeing to share responsibility for keeping all the other adult and infant participants healthy and safe. Proper handwashing is the best way to reduce the spread of illness or infection. Please let a CPNP staff person know if you would like to learn more about this.

To protect your child from being exposed to a potentially dangerous disease, CPNP encourages all participants to vaccinate their children according to the Yukon Immunization Schedule. We also encourage you to keep your own immunizations up to date. Please let a CPNP staff person know if you have questions or concerns about this.

We ask that you agree to and follow the guidelines for attendance if you or your children become ill.


If a program participant or anyone in her household, including an infant or sibling, is experiencing any of the following symptoms, the participant agrees to stay home and not come to program.
Symptoms include cough, fever, sore throat. runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, rash and/or other symptoms that arise.
Program participants are asked to stay at home for 24 hours after their last symptoms.

Downloadable Form